My Beautiful Gifts

My Beautiful Gifts

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can we change the subject, Mom?

We are in the process of potty training Sterling. I have been letting him just be in cloth training pants. When I was in the kitchen making dinner, Sterling comes out and says, "Dry." I look at his pants and it is obvious that he is wet and not dry. I say,"Sterling! You are wet. Where are your pee-pees supposed to go? In the potty, Sterling. You need to go pee in your potty." He looks up at me and says, "Hug." Then he wraps his little arms around my leg. Either he was sorry for wetting his pants, or he wanted me to change the subject to something nicer--like hugs!


gypsy jean said...

love it.

gypsy jean said...

by the by, you have inspired me. i am going to hit the potty training hard again this week. so far jack spent 2 hours on the potty chair watching tv/dvd's and no potty. but he has wet his trainers twice. oh well! i am giving it a week at least. hope your training is going well. any tips?:)