My Beautiful Gifts

My Beautiful Gifts

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ava talks about her fears

Tonight, I was putting Ava to bed and she, of course, had to go potty (delaying the bedtime some). While she was going potty she tells me a little bit about life. "Bad guys are bad and they have cages (pause) and rubots (pronounced rue-bots), and scary things (pause) to trap good girls. I don't like them, but they don't like me either cause I'm good."


gypsy jean said...

so... cages and robots... has she been watching too much "word girl" on pbs, or too much "incredibles"?:) i love it.

Jess and the KIDS!!!! said...

don't you just love the delaying of bedtime tactics. I swear they all get together just before a come up with a scheme that keeps them from going to bed:) THanks for all of your support BTW. Hope you guys can eventually move closer to home, Jess