My Beautiful Gifts

My Beautiful Gifts

Thursday, September 11, 2008

General Update

This is a update about our lives. We are still living in Louisiana. Josh works on post and loves his job. He really enjoys his co-workers and bosses. It is a real nice work environment for him. That makes me really happy!
I still home school our children. Lily is 9 and is in the 4th grade. She loves history and reading. He favorite animal is a horse and she plays the violin. Isabel is in 1st grade and she always wants to do more school. She always says, "IS that all?!" She loves school. Ava is three and loves to play with her baby brother. She always wants him in her room. Too cute. Last but not least is Sterling. He is nearly 11 months old. He crawls everywhere and is so precious. He love to eat, and he can eat more than his older sisters. If I didn't stop him he'd eat until he was sick.
We would love to move home to MN. We are looking for work back home, but it is hard with Josh's work to transfer easily. We hope and pray that before the kids get too old we will be closer to home so the kids can know their Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. I really want to know my nieces and nephews too! I miss them so much!!!
Well, there you have it--a little synopsis of our lives.

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