My Beautiful Gifts

My Beautiful Gifts

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Well, we decided to weather the hurricane this time. It wasn't a direct hit for us, so we fared well. It is still raining, but only in spurts as the final bands of the hurricane come this way. Around 3am we had to bring the grill into the house because it was scooting across our patio. It was funny the girls came out of their rooms and said they thought the house was moving, but it was the grill moving closer to their window. Too funny. With the last hurricane, Gustav, the kids and I evacuated to Shreveport. It wasn't a fun ride with four kids and two kittens. Anyways, we stayed with a friend and we have fun. However, Josh had to stay on post for the whole storm and work with the command team of key and essential personnel. Anyways, this storm is passing and the worst damage I have is one of my plants has been uprooted and is gone.


gypsy jean said...

i really like your new page look.

i still think looters took your plant.

gypsy jean said...

your plant is missing?...

please write more. i breathlessly await.