My Beautiful Gifts

My Beautiful Gifts

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Boy, can he eat!

My little man LOVES to eat! Today for lunch we had sandwiches. (I know, Molly, we have them all the time!) Anyways, Sterling had a banana, a PB&J sandwich, a piece of cheese, and a sippy cup of milk. Sterling wolfed down his cheese, sandwich, banana, and milk. He then looks up from his plate and points to my cheese. He says, "Dis?" He means, "Mom, I want your cheese." I reply, "Sterling, do you want Mommy's cheese?" He starts to bounce and giggle. So, Mr. Man gets Mommy's cheese too.


gypsy jean said...

i love cheese loving boys!!!:) the only food words jack says are: tookies (cookies), bean, and cheeeese!!! jack grabbed a half a block of extra sharp cheddar off the kitchen counter the other day and ate it before i could stop him! warning: watch your cheese!:)

jennie said...

thanks for visiting my facebook :) I do enjoy your blog and photos; you really have a beautiful family. I miss you

from Jennie on my daughter's account because I cannot remember my ID at the moment..oh, one more try from me first!